Find some issues? Have some suggestions? Maybe even want to help? Please reach out.
Report bugs and enhancement requests in the GitHub issue trackers.
JUniversal issues (for language translator + build plugins):
New issue (translator)
JSimple issues (for JSimple library):
New issue (library)
Especially at first we're looking to support folks directly as you try out JUniversal and run into the inevitable (at this stage) questions and issues. That's to help you minimize frustration and help us get the best feedback, so we can turn around fixes quickly.
So if you're giving it a whirl for your code, feel free to reach out directly via the contact mechnisms on the right for help.
Reach out directly for interactive support.
It'll help us both.
Short, sweet and public:
Tweet to @bretajohnson
Interactive chat, when that's best:
The old standbys:
Tel: +1 404 934 1946
1125 Sanctuary Parkway, Suite 300
Alpharetta, GA 30022
United States